Since it's Christmas time, I decided to talk about how to make extra money. With the way the economy is, everyone is looking for extra money.
1. Sell plasma - make sure you find a reputable place. Payment ranges from $10-25.
2. Ebay - get rid of clutter before Christmas and make some extra cash.
3. Side jobs - check out Craigslist for side jobs. It doesn't work for everyone but if you are handy then you should be able to find something.
4. Seasonal Retail job - some people are looking for extra helpers around Christmas time like Walmart.
5. Mary Kay, Tupperware - these companies are not for everyone and if you're not careful you will spend more than you make but if you like to socialize it may be worth it.
These are just a few ideas. Let me know if you have any more ideas.
November 22, 2008
How to Make Extra Money
Rivalry Week!
No, I'm not talking about my kids! I'm talking about football! Hopefully that doesn't make most of you run away! I'll be honest...I love football! How can you go to Ohio State and not? It just doesn't happen! Well anyways, today was the big game! And we delivered! I figured we would, but it doesn't matter how well either team is doing before the big game, it is ususally a very competitive game. Well not so much today! 42-7! We kicked Michigan's butt! On top of that, Ohio State got a new record! First time in school history beating Michigan 5 times in a row! Great job guys! I am so proud of you! Jim Tressel also has a 7-1 record against Michigan which I have to say, is pretty darn good! And it's the 75th anniversary of the first time the Buckeyes have received gold pants for beating Michigan! Weird tradition I guess but hey! It sounds like fun! Now we just have to wait to see what bowl game we get to go to! It's been a great year despite a few bad games....USC and Penn State come to mind. But they are both excellent teams! How I miss Columbus! Maybe I'll get to go to a game next year! Well back to regular programming now!
November 19, 2008
Back to Work - part 2
After an anonymous comment that I received on this first post, I feel compelled to elaborate. Now this is not something that I will get in a habit of but I'd like to put it all out there! Or least most of it! Need some privacy! First of all, my blog is not for debate or criticism. There is enough of that in the real world. I love my blogging world because I feel like I can connect with women who are similar to me, with similar values. I do not get a lot of that in the real world, especially since I have went back to work. That is why I deleted the anonymous comment. It was said in a critical tone, or at least that is the way that I took it. Now, I may have been quick to judge, but I don't want to start a trend of those comments on my blog. This lady's intentions may have been pure, but it may start other people having negative comments towards my blog. Now I know that I can reject them but I don't personally want to read them. Just reading them is enough to bring my spirits down.
Ok. Now that that's out of the way. As you know from my last post I just returned back to the workforce. Not by my choice. I am submitting to my husband on this one. He wants me to go back to work because of financial reasons. He has tried to get a second job but where we live everything closes early. Now right there, I know that there is some controversy. But my standpoint is in line with what I have read in the Bible and very similar to other Christian keepers of the home that I have met online. The man is to provide and the women is to keep the home. Now it is not a sin for a woman to work outside of the home, so if it is her husband's wishes, she should submit. Then pray that your husband will change his mind and make it work on one income. Now, this is of course, if you are being a good keeper of the home. This is not an excuse to be lazy at home and sit on your laurels. You need to be working. To be completely honest with everyone, I was not working as hard as I could be. So my husband had every right to ask me to go back to work. I have major self discipline problems, lack of energy and motivation. And I just don't like to clean! As I think most women don't. I sort of slapped God in the face with that one. It is a blessing to be able to stay home and make a good home for my family. I am slowly learning that. I have asked God to be patient with me as in this area I am a slow learner. I am hoping that he will bring me home quickly and with my husband's approval and understand that this is only a season of my life and I must have patience.
But do know, that I was not fighting my husband the whole time I was home. There are many circumstances regarding it and if you read back earlier in my blog you will be able to figure them out. The past couple months, my husband has been in conflict about it. He wanted me home, but at the same time, doesn't want to lose our home. He hates that I am gone right now (I'm working second shift at the moment) but knows that we need the money right now.
So that's my story. Hopefully it doesn't make everything more confusing. If you have any personal questions, feel free to ask. If it's too personal, I will probably email you instead of commenting on the blog about it!
I hope that you all continue to read my blog and share with me your journeys.
Sears November 22nd - Doorbusters from 7:00a.m. to noon only
Sears Super Saturday Sale
I am so excited about Christmas coming up! There are so many great sales going on to get started with your Christmas shopping! I know that I'm going to head over to Sears this weekend! They are having a great one day only Doorbusters sale! I am so excited about the great sale on outerwear and sweaters for my family.....60% off! That means we can stock up! Kaylin has outgrown all of her clothes and I am in desperate need of some sweaters! My new work is so cold and all I have are short sleeves! I also can't wait to check out the Craftsman C3 19-2 volt 3-pc combo tool kit! Maybe a gift idea for Tim....hmm...we'll see....if he's a good boy! It's on sale for $89.99 and you save $50! That sounds like a pretty good deal for me! He's been trying to work around the house more and he needs some more tools! I better get there early though because these deals are only available while quantities last! At these prices they will go quick! Go check out their weekly ad for more great dealbusters!
I love Sears because they have everything that I need! I can also convince my hubby to go shopping with me because of their fantastic hardware department! Shopping for my hubby is not on his top ten list of things he wants to do when he is off of work! So it's a win-win for the both of us!