October 25, 2008

Proverbs 31 Bible Study - Being a Wife part 2

This was an absolutely wonderful lesson! I learned so much from it. I first became interested in becoming a submissive wife right before Tim and I got married. We had been going to church for a little while and I was getting more interested. Well then we asked Tim's aunt to do a reading for us and she suggested the submissive scripture from Ephesians (can't remember the exact verse right now). I loved it! That's exactly what I wanted to incorporate into the wedding. Well fast forward to the wedding and some people took offense to that verse! I know why....because we are in this ultra feminist phase where even men find that demeaning! I mean come on! I didn't care because it was my wedding and that's what I wanted put in there but it's just funny. So on to the study!
Amy shared the following thoughts:
1) Although we should have an overall vision for our life and marriage, each day should be focused on with the greatest intent.
We should be serving side by side instead of living in 2 separate worlds while under the same roof. I completely agree with this. All to much husbands and wives seem like roommates more than husband and wife. It's very sad. Marriages often turn into conveniences. They split the bills, the responsibilities, have separate interests. No wonder so many marriages fail. They have to be a partnership. The definition of marriage is: the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc. You have to decide today that Divorce is not an option. Divorce has to be a big scary and dirty four letter word! That's the way that we need to think about it. Amy suggests that you make a new decision each day to show love to your husband. That is because love is an action. Many people say that they fall out of love with their spouses. If only they would try doing something lovingly towards their spouses, I'm sure that they would fall back in love with them!
2) Submission is not a dirty, four letter word.
Some people think it is though. They have completely the wrong idea about submissive. Someone has to be in charge. That's the way it is everywhere. But it doesn't mean that this person is the sole person making decisions. There are checks and balances just like the government. And women are allowed to give their input and disagree with their husbands but they need to know when enough is enough and allow their husbands to make the final decision. At the same time, that means that the man is responsible for that final decision. Amy says that submission is for your protection. She goes on to illustrate that if a soldier told you to follow them, you would. You trust that the soldier is going to protect you. Why not your husband? Maybe he's made some decisions in the past that you didn't agree with or that put you in a bad place. You have to trust that your husband will make mistakes.....you sure do! Your husband will learn from his mistakes. Pray to God for him to learn from those mistakes and pray that he will consult God before making every decision.
3) Be so faithful to your husband that it is reflected in your speech.
Why is it that we are meanest to the people that we love the most? We are so politically correct and thoughtful and think before we speak with the public but that all goes out the window when we talk to our loved ones, especially our spouses. I know that you should be able to tell your spouse the truth...honesty is very important, but so is compassion and kindness. Our spouses fight everyday in the real world, horrible temptations, mean and nasty people. I want my husband to want to come home because I provide him with a warm and kind place to replenish his spirit. Also, don't complain about your husband to your friends. That makes him look like less than a man! If you won't speak his praises, who will?
Scripture for Memory
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32
Hope you enjoyed this week's lesson, go see Amy for more and to join in!

October 22, 2008

Frugal Experiment!

Generally when you hear the words frugal experiment, you would think that it would come from me! No, not this time folks! My husband is finally joining the frugal journey after many months and years of working on him...well not too many years, we've only been together for 2 1/2. So drumroll please.......he wants to go without lights for the month of November! Of course, not the tv and computer and things like that, but it's a start! The big power outage from September and the other day when we had no lights in the bathroom made him think that it wouldn't be that hard. You know me, I'm all for trying to save money so I'm like okay! He wants to use only candles and we want to try and find a lantern for cooking and shaving, things like that. I am sooooo excited about this! What a great way to save money and what a great mindset change from my husband! His mother is so not frugal (name brand everything) so this has taken some undoing on my part :) The only bad part of this is that we are getting a deep freezer (which in of itself is a great thing) but it will use more electricity. So this may balance it out! I was very proud of us this month. We got our electricity down to $80! This past billing cycle was very mild weather and helped out a lot!

Has anyone ever tried anything like this? If you have what are your tips and concerns? Also, where can I find cheap lanterns? Any advice would be great!

More Freebies!

Here are some more freebies for you! Enjoy!

Free sample of Sani Hands® wipes for kids

Free sample of Fruit Roll-Ups® custom designed snack.

Free sample of PARENTS CHOICE® Formula

Free DVD from Pull-Ups® Potty Training Success DVD

Free test kit for Crypton® Freedom from stains™ spills™ odors™ & bacteria

October 21, 2008

My CVS trip this week!

Well, I have decided that I need to make my CVS trips on Sunday right after church. I went yesterday and most of the free stuff was already gone! And at 2 stores!

Here's was I got:

2 Brach Candy Corn 1.29 ECB each (free after ECB)
1 Powerade 1.69 ECB (free after ECB)
CVS beauty bars (2 count) 1 ECB (1.99 after ECB)

I had to get a bunch of other things too so to much out of pocket (oop). I redeemed 9.27 ECB and earned 5.27 ECB. Not too good this week but I guess I am still learning! I am trying to get all of my coupons organized and I want to separate my trips so I am not buying things that are not ECB earners for right now. Once I start to grow my ECB's then I will start using them to buy other things I need. Otherwise I just lose my ECB's instead of rolling them over.

If you are wondering what the heck I'm talking about and want to know more, go visit Money Saving Mom and check out her guides to CVSing!

Proverbs 31 Bible Study - Being a Wife part 1

I just love how our bible study is coming along! It is really speaking to me and I feel I am learning a lot from it. If you are interested in joining, go see Amy. Here are some thoughts she shared:

1. Our relationship with our spouse is parallel to our relationship with the Lord. God has many times compared His relationship to the body of Christ to the relationship between a husband and wife.

2. Love does not need to be felt in order to exist. It is an action.

3. Prayer is a key to a long lasting God filled marriage.

Scripture for Memory:

No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another; God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

1 John 4:12

I love all of this. Our relationship with our husband is our most important relationship next to our relationship with God. It is that important! As a newlywed, this is important for me to hear. Right now we are working on making our relationship stronger than ever. This is a constant effort. Love is an action! People talk about falling out of love with their spouses. Well if they started acting lovingly towards their spouses, I'm pretty sure they would fall back in love. We need to stop treating our spouses as a roommate! That can be hard especially when life gets busy. If our relationship with our husband is second only to our relationship with the Lord don't you think we would make time for it. It's just like us making time for the Lord. We spend time in his word and praying and praising to Him, we need to do the equivalent with our husbands. Talk with our husbands, date night, intimacy, learning new things together, worshipping the Lord together, praying together, playing with our children, hobbies, etc. There are tons of things that we can do with our husbands. We have so many choices when it comes to building our relationship with our husband. Amy also talks about praying for our husband. I do this occasionally and need to make it more of a priority. Our husband's face such temptations when away from the home. We need to pray that they can resist. We also need to pray for their safety and things like that.

Amy wants us to ponder if we have ever consulted someone else about our marriage before God? Definitely have. Not proud of it but I am trying to improve. I have discussed my marriage with my mom and my friends. Sometimes complained, just sometimes asking for advice. I used to complain....now when I complain I think it is because I am trying to make my friends feel better when they are complaining about their spouse. I shouldn't do that. One, I shouldn't complain about my spouse to someone else and two, I am enabling my friend to do the same. I would like to work on taking my problems to God instead of other people.

I'm looking forward to part 2 which is about being submissive and other things like that!

October 19, 2008

More Freebies!

Here are some more freebies for you! Enjoy!

Free sample of Dove® hair new therapy

Free sample of O.B® Pro comfort tampons

Free sample of Calvin Klein® Secret Obsession fragrance

Free McGraw® Fragrances newsletter and Promotions

More later....have to take the kids back to their mom soon. Have a great rest of your weekend!

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